- Processors: ST Micro STM32F0 / STM32F1 /STM32F3 / STM32F4 / STM32F7 / STM32WB10, Analog Devices BlackFin BF70x DSP, SHARC 210xx, 214xx, and 2156x DSP
- Embedded IDE tools: IAR EWARM, Analog Devices CrossCore Embedded Studio (CCES), STM32CubeIDE
- Embedded IP libraries: Segger emWin GUI, Segger emFile FAT file system, SQLite, OBD Experts vehicle OBD-II, Micrium uC/OS-II RTOS, FreeRTOS, MicroDigital smxFS FAT file system, Closed Loop Design (CLD) USB Audio, Adaptive Digital Noise Reduction
- Interface: SPI, I2C, I2S, CANbus, UART, A/D, D/A, PWM, SDRAM, RGB TFT LCD, SAI, USB
- Wireless: uBlox NINA-B4 BlueTooth, SimCom SIM7500 LTE, uBlox MAX-M8 GNSS, Sierra Wireless BC127 Bluetooth, Telit HE910 3G, Linx Technologies GNSS / GPS, Roving Networks RN171 WiFi, Atmel ATWINC1500 WiFi, TI CC1101 sub-1GHz ISM band, MicroChip RN4020 Bluetooth Smart / Low Energy (BLE)
- Schematic capture: OrCAD
- PCB CAD software: OrCAD and PADS
- Drawing tools: AutoCAD LT
- Analog simulation tools: CircuitLab
- Version control: SubVersion and GIT